Friday, May 1, 2009

My post on another blog....

I read other people's blogs just like most everyone else I know does. I even have a couple of favorite's. One of them just happens to be at '' It is freakin hilarious!  One of the things this husband asked his readers was about your worst fears (see '100 legs of death'). I laughed all the way through the post.
This was my response on that blog. 
*Side note --  NMH means Normal Mormon Husband

Now about those fears... My worst fear is losing my kids. I have had some pretty awful nightmares about that. My regular fears stem from too much t.v. as a kid. One t.v. movie had these creepy little ape/monkey things terrorizing a woman in her new house. While she was taking a shower, they came out from under the sink cabinet and tried to scare her. It worked. Finally, when they did get her, they dragged her to an unused furnace door in the basement and took her down to their home. Her husband is calling her name in the background as she is being taken and he never finds her again. Another movie, which was kind of parodied in a Halloween Simpsons special, was about a Tiki doll with face mask harpooning a lady, while, you guessed it, in the the bath tub. 
Let's put it this way, if I shower in a bathroom that has a non see-through curtain, I'm always checking to see if someone is looking at me. The curtain is never shut all the way either. In my own shower, we have a see-through door. I'm still on the lookout for those monkey things anyway. 
I can sympathize with you, NMH, on the heights thing. My husband does not like heights either. But if given the chance, he will go on ferris wheel with me, although he is white knuckled the whole time on the ride and won't let go of the bar until the ride is at a complete standstill. Great fun for me, I'm laughing the whole time, and rocking the boat, while he's glaring at me and telling me wait till we get home lady. He likes to scare me at night when it's dark in the house. Since I've been married to him for almost 14 years this Aug. and have known him for almost 17 years, I'm pretty used to this, but he does get me on occasion. He likes to wait by the bathroom door on all fours, and growl when I come out of the bathroom. People don't expect being attacked at that height, so it usually freaks me out. 
Then I have to plan my attack for sometime later in the week. Great fun at our house. We even have our 4 kids trying to scare each other, and us. Although the youngest is only a year old so we don't scare him, but the almost 3 year old loves to try and scare her daddy. It's kinda hard to be scared of a cute little bunny, but we act the part. Sorry this is sooo long. Didn't mean it to be. Thanks again for the laugh! Loved it!

Well, that's what I wrote. Now if anyone wants to comment, I'd love that. Please tell me your fears, even if they are irrational or not. We all have them. Now Please, Share!


Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Aaron & I both read NMH's post. Quite funny. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

My greatest fear and my nightmares are about losing you and our little ones..... and heights...well... okay, spiders too.