Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This kid has to be an acrobat...

I swear that this kid is trying to kill me from the inside-out. O.k., not really, but it sure does feel like it sometimes. I cannot DO anything. All I feel is tired. Just doing a load of laundry is a trial, or even doing the dishes. This baby just saps ALL of my energy. I feel like I'm lucky if I can get the 2 younger one's dressed and fed in the morning. Not to mention getting the other 2 out the door with clothes on for school, and fed, and have a lunch packed.
It seems like I have more energy when I wake up, but after about an hour or so I'm tired. And then the baby starts up. The one that isn't even 5 inches long yet. How can someone so tiny, be so rambunctious? I don't know. This baby is just... so.... so... I don't even know. I hope he/she is going to be alright in the long run. I'm still waiting to do the next blood test, and schedule the amniocentesis. Woo Hoo! A big long needle stuck into my stomach. And no anesthetic! Just Great! Fun times are in store for me.

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