Friday, January 30, 2009

Joey and Emmy went in for a check-up...

Joey went in for his 9 month check-up and we found out that he's 17 pounds and almost 2 1/2 feet long/tall (he measured at 2 ft. 5.5 in.).  Apparently this means he is a little tall and slim of body. Emmy on the other hand is 31 pounds and is over 3 ft. tall (she's about 38 inches tall).  This means that she's gonna be a tall beautiful girl when she gets older.  David and I are gonna be in a lot trouble when these two start dating, not to mention the other two.

1 comment:

Becki said...

Okay, I know that those two won't be dating each other, but that's initially what I thought when I read that. Haha. Super cute pics, by the way.