Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice....

O.K., so David decides to let the kids watch Beetlejuice.  Heck, it's rated PG. What could be that scary in the movie to make it bad for the kids to see.  Well.... it's not very scary, it's just that it has this one word in it. When the Maitlens, (Alec Baldwin, and Geena Davis) decide to get rid of the new owners, they meet up with Beetlejuice in the town model.  As it gets nearer and nearer to the part with the bad word in it, we tell the kids that we have to fast forward the movie to get past that part. They agree, so David forwards the movie to a part after where the word is said. What he failed to realize was that he forwarded it right to that part of the movie where Beetlejuice says the very naughty word. His quote is "Nice Freaking Model!" except that he didn't say 'freaking'. Luckily, I realized what he was going to say and yelled at the top of my lungs, "Lalalalallalal".  The kids looked at me like, "What the Heck is wrong with Mom!"  But they didn't hear the freaking word, which is all that counts! 

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